The Tudor Book Shop

Food & Cooking

New & Upcoming Releases

Tudor Indulgences: Food, Fashion, Fun, and Fornication by Thea Martin

Woodsmoke and Sage: The Five Senses 1485-1603: How the Tudors Experienced the World by Amy Licence

The Domestic Revolution by Ruth Goodman

Recipes and Everyday Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and the Household in Early Modern England by Elaine Leong


Cooking & Dining in Tudor & Early Stuart England by Peter Brears

The Tudor Kitchen: What the Tudors Ate & Drank by Terry Breverton

Food and Feast in Tudor England (Food & Feasts) by Alison Sim

All the King's Cooks : The Tudor Kitchens of King Henry VIII at Hampton Court by Peter Brears

Tudor Monastery Farm: Life in Rural England 500 Years Ago

Food in Shakespeare: Early Modern Dietaries and the Plays by Joan Fitzpatrick

The Country House Kitchen Garden 1600-1950 by C Anne Wilson

Recipe Books

The Tudor Cookbook: From Gilded Peacock to Calves' Feet Pie by Terry Breverton

Tudor Cookery: Recipes and History by Peter Brears

A Proper New Booke of Cokerye (Historic Recipe Books) by Dyfed Lloyd Evans

Tudor Recipes for the Modern Cook by Sally Murdoch

An Elizabethan Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by William Shakespeare by Jennifer Beard

Sallets, Humbles & Shrewsbery Cakes: A Collection of Elizabethan Recipes Adapted for the Modern Kitchen by Ruth Anne Beebe

To the Queen's Taste (Elizabethan Feasts and Recipes Adapted for Modern Cooking) by Lorna J Sass

Shakespeare's Kitchen: Renaissance Recipes for the Contemporary Cook by Francine Segan

The Shakespeare Cookbook by Andrew Dalby

Food, Religion and Communities in Early Modern Europe by Christopher Kissane